Sunday, September 14, 2014

a student's needs

Well Hello again! 

Ever had those days when you go to school and cannot focus? 
I have lots of those days, too many to count to be honest. Just like a song I listened to growing up says,  "Sometimes I have to tell my brain to just shut-up, cause the more I think, I think I think too much!" This is totally me during class. I have to be in a mode where I come to school with the right attitude. The attitude of LEARNING. I have to focus just on learning, I can't think of other things during class or I won't learn squat! Elementary school aged students are the same as me.

I really like this quote because in order to succeed in ANYTHING, having the RIGHT attitude is just as important to having the ABILITY to do anything in and outside of the classroom.

In the book it said, "The psychologist Abraham Maslow (1962) helped us understand that until a human has basic needs attended to, until they feel safe and a sense of belonging, their own energy will not be focused on learning. In more recent studies of the brain, we have learned that no matter what, emotions trump learning." (Tomlinson p.15) For a teacher, this is very important to remember in the classroom. If you have a child who doesn't feel safe or like they belong, they will not be focused on learning. Also, it is important to know each child, their home-life, backgrounds, etc. Some children don't get the love and nurture needed at home to do well at school. Some do not have correct support, or correct diet. Some may be lonely, and sad. All things to think about...

Students do not enter a classroom saying, "Please teach me to multiply fractions." Rather, they enter saying, "Will I be affirmed as a person here? Is there a real contribution for me to make here? Will what I learn here be purposeful? Will I learn how much power I have? Will I feel satisfaction?" Just like we learned from the COGS from a previous post, The student seeks: challenge, affirmation, power, contribution, and purpose! 

Challenge is where the student would say to themselves, I work hard, the work stretches me, and I often accomplish things I didn't think were possible.

Affirmation is when the student would say things to themselves such as, I am accepted here, I feel safe here, and people believe in me here.

Power is when they think to themselves, what I learn here is useful, I make choices that contribute to my success, and I am supported here.

Contribution is when they think, I am connected to others with a common goal, and I make a difference in this place.

Purpose is when they think, I understand why I am here, and what we learn reflects me and my world.

Being a future teacher, and not really being able to see these things in the classroom yet, I think it is really important that we remember what it is our students are needing. Also, it is important to remember that each student is going to be different, but in a good way. :) They won't all need the same things and if they do, they will still need them in different ways. I also think it is important to create lessons that are engaging to your students to help keep their attention and focus them on the lesson...Just Remember how important differentiation is for the individual student and their individual needs! Being a good teacher means being able to adjust accordingly. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I'm always being reminded that "emotions trump learning," every time!
